Global lower-middle market M&A Advisors
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Global lower-middle market M&A Advisors
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© 2024 MergersCorp M&A International.
is a global brand operating through a number of professional firms and constituent entities located throughout the world to provide M&A Advisory and other client related professional services. The Member Firms are constituted and regulated in accordance with relevant local regulatory and legal requirements. For more details on the nature of our affiliation, please visit us on our website MergersCorp M&A International is not a registered broker-dealer under the U.S. securities laws.
This website does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service by MergersUS Inc. or any other third party regardless of whether such security, product or service is referenced in this website. Furthermore, nothing in this website is intended to provide tax, legal, or investment advice and nothing in this website should be construed as a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any investment or security or to engage in any investment strategy or transaction.MergersCorp M&A International franchising program is not offered to individuals or entities located in the United States
The franchising program is offered by MergersUK Limited a UK Company with registered office at 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom
金融科技商业模式以小额信贷为重点,是一种提供金融服务的革命性方法。它利用人工智能 (AI) 等先进技术的力量来提供量身定制的金融解决方案。像本文重点介绍的这家金 ...
该公司是一家拥有 30 年历史的亚洲区域工业制造供应商和解决方案领导者,可提高生产线的运行效率。 强大的分销网络,在亚洲设有办事处,包括在中国和泰国的制造工厂。 ...
公司必须持有资本市场服务 (CMS) 许可证才能开展受《证券和期货法》监管的活动。代表CMS被许可人或豁免金融机构的个人需要被任命为代表。 可能需要持有 CMS 许可证的公 ...
主要支付机构根据《支付服务法》(“PS 法”)获得许可和监管,可以提供支付服务而不受特定门槛的限制。 PS 法案第 6(5) 条规定了这些阈值。总之,这些是: 任何支付 ...
金融科技商业模式以小额信贷为重点,是一种提供金融服务的革命性方法。它利用人工智能 (AI) 等先进技术的力量来提供量身定制的金融解决方案。像本文重点介绍的这家金融科技公司旨在通过提供即时信用额度和促进延迟付款来刺激经济发展。与传统银行服务相比,这种方法更方便、更人性化,对于那些缺乏传统银行通常要求的资产或信用记录的人来说,这是一种可行的选择。
该公司提供信用额度,在此额度内,可以使用 50 至 1,000 美元的贷款或后付款。
该公司拥有大量累积数据,用于训练 AI 系统,该系统可立即提供适当的信用额度。
用户是 20 岁及以上的个人或公司(独资经营者)。
授予的总信用额度超过 2200 万美元。
100% 股票购买
is a global brand operating through a number of professional firms and constituent entities located throughout the world to provide M&A Advisory and other client related professional services. The Member Firms are constituted and regulated in accordance with relevant local regulatory and legal requirements. For more details on the nature of our affiliation, please visit us on our website MergersCorp M&A International is not a registered broker-dealer under the U.S. securities laws.
This website does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or any other product or service by MergersUS Inc. or any other third party regardless of whether such security, product or service is referenced in this website. Furthermore, nothing in this website is intended to provide tax, legal, or investment advice and nothing in this website should be construed as a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any investment or security or to engage in any investment strategy or transaction.MergersCorp M&A International franchising program is not offered to individuals or entities located in the United States
The franchising program is offered by MergersUK Limited a UK Company with registered office at 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom
This website is operated by MergersUS Inc a US Corporation with registered office at
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